This is the first installment of Roto-Rx...Your prescription for fantasy success.
Please send your questions to the Doctor for immediate diagnosis, Remember: trading is a moment in time. The advice given today cannot be guaranteed for tomorrow...
The Doctor is now in...
- Question 1 - Brandon Inge ($4) has 12Hr’s, 33RBI, 31 Runs and is hitting .281. I’ve been offered him for Alex Gordon ($4) who is still a month away from playing. Should I make that trade? – Jerry Malone
- Jerry: A month is a long time in fantasy baseball. But think it through with me. Gordon gets healthy in a month and then it takes him another 2-3 weeks to get his timing back. So you have wasted 6 weeks. Question is: Do you need Inge right now? If so, make the deal.
- Question 2 - Oliver Perez is just sitting there as a free agent and people are staying away from him as if he has the swine flu. Is he worth a roster spot? - Joe Cenzo
- Joe: As my Muslim (and Kosher) friends like to say: "No swine when I dine." Stay far away. Perez needs a compass to find home plate and has lost the confidence of Jerry Manuel.
- Question 3 - I am making a 4 for 3 trade and I need to waive a player. The candidates are Andrew Miller, Phil Hughes, or Clay Buchholz. Who should I waive? – Brian Ochs
- Brian: Three good pitchers here, but I think this is an easy one. Cut Miller. Buchholz has been lights out this year in AAA, and Hughes looks like he is ready to stay on the Yankee roster the rest of the year. Miller is a bit wild, and his WHIP runs too high for my liking.
- Question 4 - I have been offered Zach Greinke for Roy Halladay. I have Halladay for $19 and Greinke would be $9. I feel like I have certainty with Halladay, but I’m itching to pull the trigger. Do I make that trade? – Mike Woods
- Mike: The only certainty is that you can never trust an AL starter. That said, Greinke has been AWESOME this year. He is young, talented, and has a pretty good bullpen backing him up. I make that deal yesterday. In fact, stop reading this article and call that guy right now and do it!
- Question 5 - I have been offered Victor Martinez for Joe Mauer. I have Mauer for 21 but Martinez is only $6 because he was obtained when he was hurt. Should I swap the catchers? – Jimmy Pennington
- Jimmy: Tough call on this one. If you need the average, then Mauer is your man. However, VMart will best him in all power numbers and he is cheaper. I think I make the deal and use the $15 I saved to get another stud hitter.
That's all for now. The Doctor is out...
Mark Bloom (aka Dr. Roto) is the former owner of Roto-Rx, a fantasy website featured in a UPN newscast. He has been an active competitor and commissioner in fantasy leagues for close to 20 years winning numerous league titles.
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