Are these guys awsome or what? (Check out these videos)
Remember Phil Wellman's performance a few years ago? That still ranks as the all-time best I think.
Now the Braves new manager, Randy Ingle is following in his footsteps and attempting to take it to the next level in arguing a call. And listen to the croud! There were 3,819 fans there and it was Thirsty Thursday at the ball park! I know atleast 1/2 the crowd was probably drunk, but still, they love it!
It's like they know Bobby Cox has the record for being tossed from games and they think having this on their resume is a prerequisite for getting the job!
I think one of these guys should get a MLB job. They could even teach Lou Pinella a thing or two. How great would it be to see Phill Wellman do his Normandy Beach routine with the rosin bag in front on 50,000 people and on national TV.
Earl Weaver is going to be 79 on August 14th. I hope he's sitting on a beach somewhere enjoying this. – James Morrison
Jim (no relation to the dead Door’s guy) is a self proclaimed rotisserie expert. Jim has been participating in an serious Ultra-Rotisserie league (you can protect some minor leaguers too) at $2,600 per team instead of $260 (similar to Ultimate Franchise Baseball ™) for the past 17 years and has finished in the money 14 times with 8 First place finishes and over $260,000 in total winnings over the 17 year period. While the world is full of institutions and people that come with disclaimers on how past performance is no guarantee of future results, Jim is brazen enough to claim that it will be in your best interest to follow his advice going forward. He’ll write it, we’ll publish it and we shall see………
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