For those of you who say that I have no right posting this info with such little information, I actually thought about that myself however I came to the conclusion that there is as much info here as in any of the bazillion rumored trades, especially the Halladay ones.
From a personal standpoint, I am not a big Scott Kazmir fan. Although I agree the Mets gave him away for nothing, I believe that the health and stamina concerns they had have turned out to be correct. He's not a big guy and it's hard for him to throw like that and hold up. Conversely, it's been pointed out to me 1000 times that the Dodgers said the same thing about Pedro Martinez when they traded him to the Montreal Expos...... and how did that work out.- Blake Kearny
Blake Kearny is a retired baseball scout from Los Angeles, California. He currently runs a baseball school for children in Los Angeles
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