Ok, be honest. Seriously. how many of you thought that Louis Castillo was going to drop the ball? You could tell as he drifted back that he was in trouble right? He had this thing misjudged from the second it came off the bat! He definitely had plenty of time to get under the ball and just didn’t. He was talking those rapid baby steps and then had to rush everything at the last second. Must have been the jet stream toward right center that kept the ball moving away from him. DOH :)
I’ve seen people drop balls before, but never in a situation like that. That’s got to go in the Remember When section because everyone will remember exactly where they were when it happened.
I was in a bar when it happened and the bartender started naming people that could have caught the ball. We unanimously agreed that almost everyone he named from his dentist to his maid could have caught the ball. We were split on whether or not his dead grandmother could have have made the play (when she was alive) but firmly agreed that it would have been a can of corn for Don Zimmer even after Pedro knocked him to the ground. He would have made the play from his knees. Definitely.
P.S. Did anyone else besides me think that it was odd that once Castillo recoverd the ball, that he threw it to second base? Not that I'm accusing him of being on the take or anything, but Texiera (the winning run)was running from 3rd to Home at the time? Cora had to then wheel and throw it home. No comprende` Louie?
I guess it's just a tidbit that makes the entire debacle that more interesting for talk radio. - Josh Bolan
Josh Bolan is a retired AP baseball reporter and now works as a freelance writer in Fresno California. Josh has been contributing to baseball publications as a writer since 1996.
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