Wouldn’t it be great if at some point a city in Europe actually got a team? How great would it be if Fucking, Germany got a franchise? Yes, that’s right, the town of Fucking, Germany.
The Expos moved to Washington, D.C. and they aren’t doing bupkus there! They had years of backing by MLB, they now have a new stadium, and they are no better off than they were before!
Perhaps they should move to Germany. Of course if they move to Germany we couldn’t very well call them the Nationals. We’d have to call them the Germans. And if they moved to Fucking, Germany they would be the Fucking Germans!
How great would Sunday Night Baseball be with promo’s having the New York Yankees vs. the Fucking Germans.
Before MLB could do such a thing, they would have to get some answers to some questions about the town of Fucking, Germany. After all, you can’t very well have MLB players living in a town that no one knows anything about. Here are some things that they should find out.
1) Are the residents called Fuckers?
2) What are all the mothers called?
3) What to the students learn at Fucking High School?
4) Does the Fucking Hospital help you with anything else?
5) If your friend came from another town, he wouldn’t be your Fucking friend?
6) Is the dumb Village idiot called the Fucking Idiot?
I’m sure there are more (and I’m sure you’ll let me know) but these are just a few of the questions that need to be asked. - Keith A. Baker
Keith A. Baker is a sports agent in Stamford, Connecticut. His goal is to offer a unique insight to the world of sports and Major League Baseball in particular. Comments in his columns are for entertainment purposes only and do not reflect the views and opinions of his firm or his clients.
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