Albert is now on pace for 54 HR/142 RBI/.319 BA/126 RS/21 SB this year
On May 23rd I Keith A. Baker put up a post about how Albert Pujols was better than Joe DiMaggio. I saw the numbers but for some reason didn’t take it seriously.
After looking back at it again, Joe DiMaggio vs. Albert Pujols I can now see the light.
What a career, what an unbelievable career. Let’s just hope it turns out that he’s clean. I’m just saying……. - Paul Leume
Paul Leume is a MLB columnist from Montreal, Canada. Paul, a one-time beat writer covering the Montreal Expos for the Montreal Gazette is a proud grandfather of 3 girls and now spends his time offering his thoughts and prospective on Major League Baseball on a variety of blogs and websites throughout Al Gore’s internet.
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