Question 1: Is Vladimir Guerrero worth obtaining for the stretch run? I can get him for a 2nd tier prospect. - Robert, Kent, WA
Robert: Dr. Roto does not know which second tier prospect you are referring to, but he does know that Vlad is slowly starting to look like his old self again. That, coupled with the fact that the Angels are usually are good second half team, would make Dr. Roto eager to pull the trigger on obtaining him.
Question 2: Who is a more valuable rotisserie baseball player, Albert Pujols or Carl Crawford? – Vincent, Kauai, HI
Vincent: Aloha and welcome to Roto-Rx! Let me put it to you this way, Vincent...would you rather be surfing on Waikiki or parasailing in Maui? My point is that they are both good options. It just depends on what your needs are at the time. If you need to power and average, Albert is your man. If you need runs and speed, then Crawford is your guy. But if you stuck a surfboard to my head...pick Pujols.
Question 3: I have a surplus at shortstop and have other needs to fill in the 2nd half. Who should I trade, who will have a better half, Derek Jeter or Jason Bartlett? – Clay, West Hempstead, NY
Clay: Dr. Roto has always been a big Bartlett guy back from his days with the Twinkies. However, this seems like a no brainer: Jeter is the better player. Let's elaborate...he plays on an offensive juggernaut, in a bandbox for a park, hits for some power, steals bases, and is a good leader in your fantasy clubhouse. What more could you ask for?
Question 4: Am I better off activating all pitchers I have that are getting two starts in a week or is it best to leave my rotation constant with who I think are the best pitchers regardless if they are getting one or two starts. – Matthew, Sarasota, FL
Matthew: Very interesting question here, Matthew. This has a lot to do with fantasy strategy. If you are chasing wins and total strikeouts consider going with your two start pitchers (assuming they play on respectable teams and can get a few K's for you). However, if you are still competitive in ERA and WHIP, the strategy you are proposing may backfire.
Question 5: Remember when you used to reserve a pitcher because he was going to be pitching at Coors Field? Should I be doing that now with Yankee -Stadium? – Philip, Las Vegas, NV
Philip: First of all, Dr. Roto loves Vegas...pure heaven for all sports guys. Assuming that you are talking about non-Yankee starters, you may want to consider that strategy. Not only is the park small, but the Yankee offense is good. Just don't forget one thing, a stud is a stud no matter where he pitches. So if I had King Felix (or a guy like that) I wouldn't worry about it and start him anyway.
Dr. Roto wishes all a Happy 4th!
The Doctor is out...
Mark Bloom (aka Dr. Roto) is the former owner of Roto-Rx, a fantasy website featured in a UPN newscast. He has been an active competitor and commissioner in fantasy leagues for close to 20 years winning numerous league titles.Ask Dr. Roto your rotisserie baseball questions.
Follow Dr. Roto on Twitter
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