News, introspective, insight & opinion from around the Major & Minor Leagues

News, introspective, insight & opinion from around the Major & Minor Leagues

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Canseco plans to sue MLB, union over steroids...

Anyone see the Jose Canseco piece on MSNBC the other day? This one completely got passed me. No one else I spoke to heard about it either so I figured I’d post it here.

My apologies in advance if this is old news as it was reported on Wednesday.

Actually, my apologies in advance even if you are reading it for the 1st time.
Jose Canseco plans to file a class-action lawsuit against Major League Baseball and the players’ association, saying he’s been ostracized for going public with tales of steroids use in the sport.

Canseco said Wednesday that he has discussed the suit with lawyers and intends to enlist Sammy Sosa and Rafael Palmeiro to join in the suit.

Canseco said the basis of the suit would be “lost wages — in some cases, defamation of character.”

“Because I used steroids and I came out with a book, I was kicked out of the game, but I have not been inducted into the Hall of Fame,” Canseco said in a telephone interview.
Here is the entire story / interview.

BTW – Anyone see Jose get his assed kicked in the ring by 7-2 Hong Man Choi 3 weeks ago? Now that was entertainment!- Keith A. Baker
Keith A. Baker is a sports agent in Stamford, Connecticut. His goal is to offer a unique insight to the world of sports and Major League Baseball in particular. Comments in his columns are for entertainment purposes only and do not reflect the views and opinions of his firm or his clients.

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