The site provides interesting prospective on correlations between baseball and business management. It’s very well written and provides interesting, entertaining and thought provoking concepts that many of you in management positions will benefit from. Here’s the prologue right from the site. –Paul Leume
What do Hall of Fame baseball managers like Connie Mack & John McGraw have in common with today’s business leaders? Why are baseball managers like Tony LaRussa & Ozzie Guillen role models for management that corporate heroes like Jack Welch, Ken Lay & Bill Gates? And what does Peter Drucker have to do with Oriole ex-manager Earl Weaver? Management consultant & ex-baseball reporter Jeff Angus shows you almost everything you need to know about management you can learn from baseball.
Paul Leume is a MLB columnist from Montreal, Canada. Paul, a one-time beat writer covering the Montreal Expos for the Montreal Gazette is a proud grandfather of 3 girls and now spends his time offering his thoughts and prospective on Major League Baseball on a variety of blogs and websites throughout Al Gore’s internet.
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