News, introspective, insight & opinion from around the Major & Minor Leagues

News, introspective, insight & opinion from around the Major & Minor Leagues

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A-Rod strikes again

A-Rod is batting a lackluster .238 so far this MLB season, but with his conquest of Kate Hudson, he's proving himself a prime time player just the same.

Apparently Kate’s mother Goldie Hawn isn’t too happy with the new arrangement. You don’t suppose that’s because Kate beat her to bag do you?

This post was sent it by reader Gene Marcial from Los Angeles, CA. We said that we would put it up if you sent it…… regrettably…… we did.

Gee wiz, thanks for the gossip Gene. The sun just wouldn’t be coming up without another day with news of A-Rod on the prowl.

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